Coffee Myths Debunked!

Coffee is an all-American favorite, but many people are under the impression that it can sober you up if you are drunk. Recent studies have shown that this is not so, so if you are relying upon your Java to provide instant sobriety, then you may want to think again. Many inebriated individuals try to…

Space Saving Coffee Makers

Space-saving coffee makers come in a variety of sizes for the home and for commercial purposes. The smallest space-saving coffee maker is a hand-held one. You can use a pod or ground espresso to put in a ball-shaped body, then add hot water to the body and squeeze the handle to extract your espresso drink.…

7 modi per evitare contrattura capsulare in aumento del seno

contrattura capsulare è un termine chirurgia plastica per eccessiva formazione di tessuto cicatriziale intorno alla protesi al seno. La causa non è completamente noto, anche se eccessivo sanguinamento dopo l’intervento e possibile contaminazione batterica sembrano essere le cause principali. Anche se questa non è una complicanza comune, può verificarsi. Ci sono diversi modi per evitarlo,…

Greg Childs: Champion Jockey

High performance and longevity are two common characteristics required of any jockey for consideration as being amongst the upper echelon of all-time greats. New Zealander Greg Childs supplied those traits in spades, and his inclusion in the select group of elite jockeys to deserve induction into the Australian Racing Hall of Fame should well be…