Penis Pain and Dealing With Blue Balls

Every man has heard the term ‘blue balls’ and might have actually experienced it at one time or another. Penis pain that results from sexual frustration is a very real thing, though interestingly enough, there have been no studies on it and there are very few mentions of the phenomenon in medical literature. Though good…

Blue Diamond Jewelry – A Brief Know-How

There is an array of gems in blue diamond jewelry. These gems have natural color. This obviously makes it rare and therefore it is not easy to own. As the blue diamonds are rare, these can only be availed through continents of Latin America and specifically Brazil. The parts of central Africa too contribute to…

Coffee Cause High Blood Pressure- Is it true?

Most of the Researchers have studied the relationship between the high blood pressure and the  coffee.  The researchers tracked 1,55,000 people who had no history of high blood pressure and tracked them for 12 years, to their surprise the facts showed that drinking a cup of coffee had no effect on high blood pressure at…

Control Premature Ejaculation Naturally

The problem of early climax or early ejaculation (premature ejaculation) is not a new issue for the mankind. Since years, men have been suffering from this embarrassing situation due to one or the other reason. However, the medical science has always come up with its bag of tricks to solve it partially or fully. Though…