Cayenne Pepper and Acne Treatment

Acne sufferers seem to be receiving a lot of enlightenment to alter their diet structure, thanks to the growing research on the link between food and acne. There is no dearth to herbal formulations and home remedies for acne. Did you know that even peppers can reduce the inflammation of pimples? It may sound weird,…

7 Easy Steps to Get Rid of Yeast-Thrush Infection

Yeast or thrush infection officially known as “candidiasis” both in men and women presents such a common problem in my everyday practise that I decided to write this simple to follow guide to explain key aspects about yeast problem and outline main treatment approaches in 7 easy steps. Generally speaking, yeast infection is caused by…

The Truth About Culturelle Probiotics

My Story I bought Culturelle some years ago at the recommendation of a friend, who was giving this to her autistic son to treat his leaky gut syndrome. Costing approximately SGD40 for a 30 day supply, this product did not come cheap. But I decided to give it a try anyway, hoping that it would…