Coffee Cappuccino Muffin

Muffins, this delicacy originally from the United States are decidedly everywhere to be fund around the planet, for the very pleasure of consumers and cafe goers. Is this the result of globalization? I would think so. This sweet, soft and moist spongy snack can now be purchased in an infinite kind of flavors even so…

Starbucks Coffee Vs Home Brew Coffee?

Calculate the costs of your trip to Starbucks coffee shop and the amount of money you spend buying a cup of coffee there. Add that up until you get the result you spend on that now. You will be surprised to know that you can buy quite a number of expensive things with the amount…

What is Cafe 2.0?

Have you ever wondered what CAFÉ 2.0 is? Lets start with what is Café 1.0. The coffee plant was historically brought to the Americas in the early 16th Century, where cultivation became widespread. The first coffee shop opened in Italy sometime during the 16th century. America was ahead of the curve here, having enjoyed the…

Gourmet Coffee Blends

Coffee blends are made by combining different types of coffee beans. They are usually made with Arabica coffee beans which produce the good coffee flavor and aroma coffee lovers love. A coffee blend can become a special coffee brand used by cafés, roasters, and growers to attract repeat customers. These coffee brands can have a…